Research Opportunities
We are an active research group that is always interested in hearing from prospective students!
Chilean Margin Paleomagnetic Latitudinal Transect: A Fundamental Stratigraphic and Paleo-Geomagnetic Experiment in the Late-Pleistocene
A recent expedition to the Chilean Margin recovered some sediments. They are cool. This project would be working with Rob Hatfield and collaborators at Oregon State University to develop the paleomagnetic record from the south Pacific with a focus on the last 70 kyrs. They preserve the Laschamp and other cool stuff that would make a great PhD project. Contact Rob for more information!
Vindhyan Basin Geochronology and Paleomagnetic Investigation
We are interested in hearing from potential graduate students. Our project (if funded) will involve working on an enduring enigma in Indian geology with implications for global paleogeography. The age of the Upper Vindhyan basin is argued to be either Ediacaran (<635 Ma) or early Neoproterozoic (1000 Ma). This argument has continued unabated for more than 100 years. It has featured some bizarre fossil misidentifications and vociferous debates. We will be conducting detailed detrital zircon transects across the basin, trying to identify and sample ash beds in the Upper Vindhyan and providing firmer constraints on the primary nature of the Upper Vindhyan magnetic directions. Contact Dr. Joseph Meert if interested.
Egypt Geochemistry and Geochronology of Neoproterozoic Igneous Rocks
This is a very nice Masters (or undergraduate thesis) project. Together with Egyptian colleague Sharif Mansour, we have a suite of igneous rocks from the Arabian-Nubian shield that are undated. The samples are ready to be analyzed for geochemistry and geochronology. Contact Dr. Joseph Meert if interested.