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Paleomagnetism & Paleogeography Research at UF

Paleomagnetism & Paleogeography Research at UF

Research at UF is aimed at establishing the past positions of continental blocks from around the globe. We use a combination of paleomagnetism (where) and geochronology (when) to aid in this endeavor. Current projects are focused primarily on Precambrian supercontinents including Rodinia and Columbia. Our research focus over the past 20 years is global with a concentration of work in India. Please contact Dr. Meert if you are interested in graduate work.




Orrcha River Dyke

rocky area with trees in the background
Bundelkhand Craton

Ken River Dyke

rocky cliff with a river running throug
Bundelkhand craton, India


2.25-2.18 Ga Paleoproterozoic VGP’s Dharwar craton